1997 Foundation of hatec by Hartmut Hasse in Alveslohe
2010 Foundation of the hatec Offside Office in Munich by Dirk Hasse
2013 Entry of Ferencz Hasse into the hatec business in Alveslohe
2014 Foundation of hatec gear pumps GmbH & Co. KG in Alveslohe by D. & F. Hasse
2015 Approval for ANÜ by the Bundesamt für Arbeit
2016 Introduction of the world’s first gear pump with Hägglunds hydraulic drive system
2017 Certification QS ISO 9001: 2015 for the hatec gear pumps GmbH & Co. KG
2017 Introduction of the first portable hydraulic gear pump strainer
2018 Introduction of an rental hydraulic gear pumps strainer
2018 Introduction of new cooling system for the hatec gear pump, based on a reverse engineered CAE development method